New York City & Jersey City

NY Schedule A contract team

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To Be Appointed at a Special Board Meeting. Deadline for interest forms is June 15th.

The Station Chairperson position shall be created, subject to the approval of the Local’s Executive Board, to oversee matters of general Union concern for any prospective worksite property. The Station Chairperson shall be elected by the prospective worksite’s Membership. The full term for a Station Chairperson shall be for three years, to coincide with other union officer terms. An initial term of office for a prospective worksite may be shorter than three (3) years, depending upon when the Local 320 Executive Board approves the creation of the Station Chairperson position. It shall be the duty of the Station Chairperson to assist the Regional Executive Board Member in the administration of the Regional Executive Board Member’s duties, including grievance administration, inter-station negotiations pertaining to local worksite guidelines and any other duties assigned by the Executive Board or Local President. The Regional Executive Board Member or Station Chair shall be the Chairperson of Membership meetings; except when the Local President or Vice President attends the meetings. 

Shop Stewards shall be appointed by the location's Station Chairperson, subject to Executive Board approval, and represent the Members at a particular work location/shop and assist the Station Chairperson with station duties.

Grievances should initially be filed and administered on behalf of the Membership by Shop Stewards or Station Chairpersons. The Shop Steward or Station Chairperson should attempt to solve the grievance at its source, enter the grievance into an approved database, and forward any unresolved grievances to the Regional Executive Board Member who will continue to seek resolution. Unresolved grievances by the Regional Executive Board Member shall be presented to the Local’s Executive Board for arbitration consideration.

Station Chairpersons shall be provided a monthly cell phone allowance of $25.00

If you would like to become more involved in your Union and are a member in good standing, please complete the interest form below. A member of your Board of Directors will reach out to you soon!
