This process is to determine and install the Election Committee ONLY. Ballot Point is the 3rd Party Platform that will administer the vote. You should have received a text and/or email from Ballot Point with a unique VOTER ID. If you have not received an electronic ballot, email Stan Jones immediately. 

NOMINEES (In order of submission) 

VOTING ENDS ON 12/23/2023 AT 5:00 PM ET. Ballot Point is the 3rd Party Platform that will administer the vote.



The Election Committee shall adopt appropriate rules and provide forms and ballots, conduct the nominations and elections of Officers and the Executive Board in accordance with the LMRDA and the regulations of the United States DOL, the TWU International Constitution and the TWU Local 320 Bylaws. The Election Committee will be responsible for ensuring that all eligible ballots received are counted.

The Election Committee shall consist of three (3) Members and three (3) alternate Members. Nominations for the Election Committee will be held preceding a General Election and installation of new Officers and all elections will be held by secret ballot. Terms will be for three (3) years. Vacancies will be filled, by the nominee with the next highest vote total. The nominee receiving the highest number of votes will chair the Election Committee. In the event of tie, a coin flip will determine the winner.

Current and prospective Board Members cannot be on the Election Committee. Station Chairs, Shop Stewards, and members in good standing are all eligible and encouraged to run!

All documents related to elections and voting can be found here.

Please email and inquiries to sjones@twu320.org